Day 6: Kitchen Table Rehab and Necklace Organization

New necklace organization system

New necklace organization system

Good news – the “get the husband on board with projects by making him a nice breakfast” plan worked pretty well.  While “enthusiastic participation” might be a little bit of a stretch, John was a big help over the last couple of days and I promised I’d give him major points  in my blog.  We got a number of things done and got things in motion for a number of upcoming events.

As we were working yesterday, I was thinking about how different we are in the way we approach projects.  I tend to be a little overly optimistic, while my husband tends to be kind of a pessimist.  I always think everything will be easy and turn out great, while he’s shaking his head mumbling “this will never work”.  Usually, the result is somewhere in the middle.

Glittery table - blame it on the Girl Scouts!

Glittery table – blame it on the Girl Scouts!

That’s pretty much the story of our project for yesterday.  We have a table in our kitchen that is a little beat up.  It’s a great table – we bought it from our good friends Therese and Tom a number of years ago when they couldn’t use it anymore.  Over the years it has seen a lot of activity.  Besides a number of scratches, there’s a lot of glitter that ended up bonded to the finish during a Girl Scout project.  It’s very quaint and a little sentimental, but I’ve really been wanting to fix it up a bit without doing a full-blown refinishing.

Refinishing kit that's been in the cupboard for probably 5 years

Refinishing kit that’s been in the cupboard for probably 5 years

A couple of years ago, I bought a Formby’s Furniture FaceLift Kit and never got around to using it.  This weekend I pulled it out and convinced John that it would be worth a try.  We worked on it for about an hour – cleaning, buffing and polishing.  After that came 2 coats of finish, each needing several hours of drying time.  In the end, I think it was worth the effort, but unfortunately my husband was correct in his assessment that we will need to do a complete refinishing.  The good news is that it’s a lot shinier, but the glitter is still there!  Oh well, it’s a nice memory of when the girls were younger.

Better, but not perfect.  I hate to say it - but my husband was right!

Better, but not perfect. I hate to say it – but my husband was right!

My actual Pinterest project for the day was posted by my niece Anna.  Thanks, Anna!  This turned out to be a super-simple solution to an annoying problem.  I’m not a big jewelry person, but I do have a number of necklaces that I’ve never managed to tame.  I won’t even embarrass myself by showing the “before” picture for these, but here’s the picture of my new storage solution.

Great solution for necklace storage

Great solution for necklace storage

All it took was a curtain rod I bought at Meijers for $4 and a set of double-hook shower curtain rings I got at Big Lots for $3.  I got John to mount the rod on the back of the closet door and Voila!  Tomorrow I’m going to get a couple more rods to hang my bracelets and scarfs.  So exciting!

Well, back to work.  Have a great Sunday evening.

2 thoughts on “Day 6: Kitchen Table Rehab and Necklace Organization

  1. I’m SO glad someone actually did this project! I’ve been wanting to do it for my necklaces for too long now. Now that I know it’s a success I’ll have to try it!

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